In addition to devising, building and managing IT infrastructures for our customers, we at Quanza also believe it is important to do something for our society. In our Christmas mailing of December 2020, we asked our relations which charities we could make a donation to on their behalf. Our relations could choose from three charities: Nederlandse Hartstichting, Nudge Local en Hulphond Nederland.
- De Nederlandse Hartstichting fights against heart and vascular diseases, and is engaged in academic research, education, prevention and the representation of patient interests.
- Nudge Local aims to achieve lasting behavioral changes in individuals and organizations in the areas of climate, energy, environment and social sustainability.
- Hulphond Nederland helps people with a physical or mental health problem by deploying a service dog, which prevents isolation and offers new perspective.
Charity campaign results
41% of our relationships indicated that we should donate to the Nederlandse Hartstichting on their behalf. Nudge Local and Hulphond Nederland received 28% and 31% of the votes.
In the meantime, we from Quanza have been able to hand out checks to the charities. On the 3rd of March 2021 we handed Njord Pattiasina from Nudge Local an amount of € 1500. Pieter Blickman from Hulphond Nederland received an amount of € 2000 on the 17th of March 2021 and on 30th of April 2021 Ineke Blom from Nederlandse Hartstichting received the highest amount of € 2.500.
Quanza would like to thank all relations who have voted for their input. The three charities are very grateful that they received a donation through our relationships. These amounts of money provide a valuable contribution to the realization of their social objectives.